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2009-06-14 > 10:56 p.m.

The dog ate my entry

I have not updated for a few days. This is because I have been busy, but also a little lazy.

Here is my excuse.

Wednesday night (yes, 10pm commencement time): teleconference with our US, UK and Indian offices about a product that has most excitingly taken a step backwards in its latest incarnation. Looks pretty though.

Thursday evening: Dinner with workmates in outrageously expensive Thai restaurant in Surry Hills. Got home and realised I hadn't yet designed Art's 30th birthday card for everyone at work to sign. Make it to bed at about 1.20am.

Friday evening: (Having stumbled through the day at 20% functionality.) Drinks with a colleague and some strangers at a business near Books O'Reilly, in order to exchange ideas on environmental policies. Said business is an alcohol-owning-and-producing-conglomerate and has a BAR on premises. The managers casually talk about how important it is to have a well laid-out 'space' for everyone to interact in, while Colleague and I sadly ponder the segregated warren that is our workplace. Colleague and I are now elbowing one another out of the way to get a job at BoozeOffices Pty Ltd.

Saturday night: Attended a 60th. Spent most of my time doting over my 9-month-old nephew. Given that an uncle of mine accused me of being a heartless reptile a few years ago ('are you going to eat your own young?'), Nephew seems to respond well to me. Also present at 60th is a strange man who confuses 'loud' with 'funny' in his manner of speech. Despite this, I end up liking him.

Today: Animation, work, copywriting for Pigeon, music (Django Reinhardt), all in my blue fluffy dressing-gown and with an oil heater in my room. Yes, this was mostly luxurious laziness and I loved every minute of it.

Now that you have my excuses for the last few days, I suppose I'll have to write a proper entry tomorrow.

Well, then. FINE.

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Older stuff

Last five entries:

The funtime pantslessness conversion scale! - 2013-01-28
I smear myself in honey - 2011-01-30
I said NO photographs. - 2011-01-02
Be more disco. - 2010-12-28
If I were a pimp for a gigolo - 2010-11-17

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