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2008-03-17 > 8:55 p.m.

Why hippies don't teach science

Each tRNA approached the site
bearing its amino acid load ...
whose sequence was determined by
the mRNA message-unit MAGIC CODE

A link to this enlightening video about cellular protein synthesis is going to go onto a CD accompanying a high school science textbook. (If you're going to watch this - and I highly recommend that you do - then just skip the first three minutes and cut straight to the hippie action.)


Periodically someone shouts something like, "mRNA!" or "peptide bonds, woo!" or simply "T FACTOR!"

I'm not sure that watching this video makes the process of protein synthesis any clearer, but I do somehow feel more at one with the Universe now.

* * *

Edit: OK, I had to come back and edit this entry. All snark aside, this video has to be one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Part of me is actually jealous of such free-spiritedness. Also, I'm feeling more and more that my degrees in Commerce and International Studies were fundamentally lacking in brightly-costumed interpretive dance.

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The funtime pantslessness conversion scale! - 2013-01-28
I smear myself in honey - 2011-01-30
I said NO photographs. - 2011-01-02
Be more disco. - 2010-12-28
If I were a pimp for a gigolo - 2010-11-17

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