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2006-03-22 > 4:38 p.m.

Random snippets from Saturday night

�I think that�s the first time I�ve ever looked at something I�m about to eat, and said, �I hope that�s mostly toilet paper�.�


I padded back into the living room and laughed out loud. Daniel was sitting hunched over a bowl, scooping at it with his finger.


�Just so you know, it tastes disgusting.�
�Ugh � it tastes like aspirin.�


I went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. When I turned the tap on, I turned it on almost at full blast, and the water splashed into my glass and then shot straight up out of it. I frowned, turned the tap off and tried again, much more carefully and gently. I had to focus on my movement, because I seemed to be doing everything in sudden bursts, without any fluidity.


�I keep wanting to just get up and give you a big hug.�
(Laughs) �Well, it is the �hug drug��� (Kindly puts his foot on my chair so I can fondle his leg while we talk)


Daniel being really relaxed.

I think it�s sexy to see him acting so relaxed and comfortable. I like it when people in general feel really comfortable around each other � it�s the best part of going out drinking with good friends. I don�t think you realise how many little barriers people put up around themselves every day until you see them dissolve.

We sat out on the balcony in the dark, downing glass after glass of water and talking about nothing and everything until 3AM. Somehow time just disappeared.


I looked in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, and was startled at what I saw. I looked like an owl.


I think that�s about all I need to write in this very public arena.

Sunday was really nice; after a big sleep-in we caught the train into Sydney and wandered around enjoying one another�s company. We had intended to go to The Rocks Markets and maybe see a movie, but we did neither of those things. We spent a while in Paddy�s, where Daniel bought more than I did, and then ambled over to Darling Harbour.

The weekend helped me to realise a few things about our relationship, or rather, reminded me of what�s important and what isn�t. I�ve been feeling really content ever since.

Anyway, I know I haven�t written here in several weeks. I just haven�t felt like it � too busy enjoying my life, I suppose. That doesn�t mean that I�ve been flat-out busy; it just means that every wasted moment has been fun.

Because I feel like adding an italicised side note, I�ll now mention that we have a wedding to go to this weekend. There have been increasing numbers of those lately. I thought that was something grown-ups did.

The rest of our trip was great, of course. We hated Flims/Laax (the resort where we stayed in Switzerland) at first � it seemed poorly set out, with not much at all on offer. That all changed when we discovered �Run 18�, a black run that was technically closed while we were there (not that it stopped us � and besides, *technically* we weren�t on Run 18 anyway � we were sort of *next* to it). We rode there every day for the rest of our time there, because it was a fun, challenging run, and because it was a bit out-of-the-way and hard to find, so hardly anybody else went there.

Our last day in Flims/Laax was � interesting. It had been a bit misty the whole time we were there, and the visibility often deteriotated during the daytime, but on our last day the visibility just went altogether. Everything was just white � it was all you could see. White. The snow and the sky were one entity, you couldn�t tell up from down, there were no shadows, you couldn�t see if there were any sudden drops or obstacles; it was just white. My eyes started to hurt from the strain of trying pick out shapes from the nothingness when there were none to be found. Luckily they mark runs with posts on one side (sometimes both), so the only way we managed to make it down a run was by following those posts. We just rode as close to them as we could, and always kept them on our right. It was weird, having to trust nothing but those little poles in the ground to tell us where the run was, and also to trust that there wasn�t going to be anything nasty for us to run into.

I really enjoy the holidays that the three of us take together. We just hang around together and relax � sometimes we drink beer and play cards, sometimes we go out for a meal, occasionally we go out and get drunk and throw snowballs at each other � but it�s really comfortable and relaxed, and I like that a lot.

I went back to work the day after we got back to Sydney (Wednesady, 8th March, two weeks ago today). I could have taken the rest of the week off, but for some reason I just wanted to jump straight back into things. I had this suspicion that if I stayed at home, I�d just mope around, feeling depressed because the holiday was over and I was going to have to go back to work next week. I�m glad I decided to go straight back to work instead, because Daniel did exactly what I didn�t want to do, sat around a lot and felt depressed because the holiday was over and he had to go back to work next week.

Daniel�s mum had gathered our mail for us while we were gone, and she�d even left a surprise for us (well, mostly for me) on the table � a really nice gold candle holder with three candles in it. They�re scented ones, and they smell so strongly that on the first night we got back, the whole room smelt sweet. The smell is still there, but it doesn�t take up the whole room now.

So: now we all know that Marzipan is OK and didn�t die a tragic death caused by snowboarding off a cliff or falling out of a moving bobsled �

I may or may not write again soon. Life is good, so I might be too busy soaking it in.

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The funtime pantslessness conversion scale! - 2013-01-28
I smear myself in honey - 2011-01-30
I said NO photographs. - 2011-01-02
Be more disco. - 2010-12-28
If I were a pimp for a gigolo - 2010-11-17

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